Trial to De Gruyter E-Journals


Bilkent University Library is pleased to announce the De Gruyter E-Journals that will be on trial access until 31 December 2018.

De Gruyter E-Journals, includes journals in the fields of architecture and design, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, history, law, mathematics, music and physics.

Trial to Rotunda

Bilkent University Library is pleased to announce the trial of Rotunda database, available until 27 June 2018.

The University of Virginia’s Rotunda Collections offer fully searchable, primary and secondary materials in history and the humanities.

Access address:


TRIAL DATABASE: Bloomsbury Design Library


Bilkent University Library is pleased to announce the trial of Bloomsbury Design Library database, available until 29 March 2018.

Bloomsbury Design Library provides access to expansive scholarly coverage of design and crafts worldwide, from 1500 BCE to the present day.

Please visit the library website for more information..


TurcademylogoBlueSmall2The Library is pleased to announce a subscription to the Turcademy.
Turcademy provides access to about 2,500 electronic books in law, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, language and literature, education, business, economy, science, engineering, architecture, health sciences and related subjects published by Anı Publishing, Gazi Publishing, Palme Publishing, Pegem Academy and Seçkin Publishing.

TRIAL DATABASE: ProQuest Historical Newspapers

PROQUEST HISTORICAL NEWSPAPERS is on trial until 25 November 2012.

The ProQuest Historical Newspapers database provides full-text access to nineteenth and twentieth-century newspapers from the USA, UK and Canada, relating to history, international relations and politics, the arts, literature, science, sports, and current affairs.



edited by Nur Bilge Criss, Selçuk Esenbel, Tony Greenwood and Louis Mazzari

(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne)


Turkey and the United States have been critically important to each other since the beginning of the Cold War.  The history of Turkish-American relations includes not only strategic, but also political, social, cultural and intellectual dimensions.  While critical to understanding Turkish-American relations, these dimensions rarely surface in today’s discourse, which reduces bilateral relations to issues currently being contested.  In reality, the encounter between East and West embodied in Turkish-American interactions ranges from the official and diplomatic, to unofficial and informal exchanges at the social and individual level; while often compatible and friendly, such interactions occasionally have been less so.  Authors from both countries developed a variety of perspectives on their interactions through original research that will enable both specialists and general readers to appreciate its many facets. Nur Bilge Criss is Assistant Professor in International Relations at Bilkent.


In July 2011, Ayşe Çelikkol (ELIT and AMER) published a book through Oxford University Press on nineteenth-century British literary and economic history, titled Romances of Free Trade: British Literature, Laissez-Faire, and the Global Nineteenth Century.  In this book, Çelikkol shows that many of the concerns that we commonly associate with present-day globalization were already afloat in nineteenth-century Britain, during the advent of the free-market economy.  Not unlike us, Britons in the nineteenth century pondered the fate of patriotism and the nation-state, and they experienced a heightened awareness of the permeability of borders.
Combining literary analysis with the history of economic thought, Romances of Free Trade offers an interdisciplinary approach to the nineteenth century.  It demonstrates that novels, poems, and plays worked in tandem with political economy to explore how the increased fluidity of capital would reshape society.  Just as political economists argued that the state should not intervene in foreign commerce, the literary genre of the romance allowed Britons to imagine a world in which commodies flow uncontrollably.  Global commerical traffic promised borderless harmony for some authors, but for others it signalled the advent of a decentered world in which chaos reigns supreme.  The literary genre of the romance, argues Çelikkol, was especially useful for imagining borderlessness and decentralization.  Romance tales often narrate nautical adventures; some are abound with pirates and smugglers, and others are set in lush islands in the middle of nowhere.
At Bilkent, Çelikkol teaches a number of courses that reflect her interest in the history of globalization.  In the Department of American Culture and Literature, she has taught courses on cultures of global capitalism and transatlantic literature.  In 2011, in the Department of English Language and Literature, she offered a course that explored cosmopolitan identities and the notion of the world-citizen.